An extra-ordinary education for an extra-ordinary nation!
(+264) 61 435 6000
Directorate Research and Innovation
Our mandate:
Develop Research, Science, Technology
and Innovation Policies/Acts/Regulations
when need arises;
Promote the implementation of Policies/
Acts/Regulations in Research, Science,
Technology and Innovation;
Review Research, Science, Technology and
Innovation Policies/Acts/Regulations after
every five years or when need arises;
Promote research, innovation and
entrepreneurship initiatives in line
with the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), National Development Plans
(NDPs) and the Harambee Prosperity Plan
Produce annual reports on progress of
implemented programmes;
Ensure that the implementing agencies are
fulfilling their mandate through quarterly
stakeholder engagements;
Organise national stakeholder consultations
annually; and
Disseminate relevant information on RSTI
as it becomes available.
Contact Us
Luther Street, Government Park 0000 Windhoek, Namibia